Thursday, June 17, 2010

Overall Thoughts About The Team Teaching Process

If anyone is interested in sharing thoughts, ideas, and feedback about our team teaching process as a whole, please share them in the comments section of this post. This is not the post for individual team teaching feedback :)

Some Questions To Think About:

How do you feel the team teaching process is going so far?
What have you enjoyed?
If you could do it over again, would you change anything?


Quixie said...

I was thinking about how our team teaching process has been going so far and I had a thought I wanted to share with the group. I realized that we never really shared what we already know about each topic as a group. I feel as if we are teaching issues to a group but we don't necessarily know what level the group is already at, what questions we already have, what issues we already want to know and learn. In this way, I wonder if we are missing out on aspects of customizing our education to meet our needs, both as teachers and students.

I would really like to know what other people think about this.

I think that if I had the opportunity to do this process over again, I would propose this idea to our community.

Yoori Chung said...

I think our class is doing a great job in team teaching and presenting to the group. I like that each group has incorporated not only activities to engage everyone, but multi-media aspects through videos and visual teaching.

I enjoy learning about a perspective completely different from my own, whether I agree with it or not. Responding to Yari, I think we share what we know when we contribute to the dialogue taking place. I see everyone at different levels for different topics so it is difficult to know what everyone already knows or wants to learn, but the previous groups seem to be handling this very well. I believe the first step to customizing our education is knowing what our desired outcome is and discovering that through extensive discussion which we always try to do, but don't always have time for.

Our group will be teaching the Language, Culture, and Immigration portion on Tuesday and we hope to hear your feedback and learn from you all to enrich this experience.

But you have to leave a comment first :)