Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Team Teach Feedback: Funding

Please provide feedback for the Funding in the comments section of this post.

When we conducted our SOA we agreed to incorporate feedback to assist as part of the evaluation process.

Below is a list of possible questions, however if you feel something is missing please feel free to add on. This is a continuous process and we would greatly appreciate if you can answer at least ONE of the following questions on the class blog for every group that presents following their presentations.

Potential Questions:
What part resonated most with you from the presentation?
What did you find most interesting?
Were any particular portions applicable to your own life?
Questions, Comments or Concerns?
Other constructive criticisms?


Quixie said...

I really enjoyed this team teach. Great job :) I did not know about Race to The Top and thought the discussion provided a good basis for further research while posing challenging questions. Also, I enjoyed the last discussion about the option for advertising in schools. I formulated a whole argument and then forgot to watch the time :) All the same, I thought the discussion was good!

Tired Thomas said...

Very insightful. I did not know about the Race to The Top as well as advertising in schools. I wish the discussion would have been longer, I thought it was just starting to get heated! The icebreaker was fun as well.

Erica said...

This is maybe one of the most difficult, complicated, and most important topics in education when we think about structures of inequality in schooling. The group did a good job of laying the groundwork for understanding large scale educational policy and how it reproduces failing schools. The debates we engaged in are the real school reform debates raging today.

It would have helped to connect school funding to some real live cases (past and present) to make the policies make practical sense to us. How has NCLB changed school culture and achievement for better or for worse? Where did the Race to the Top policy come from? What is the theory behind this new initiative? What is the new administration willing, or not willing, to take on when it comes to school funding?

Afshan said...

The ice breaker was hella fun! Catherine was a good discussion leader, and the real life stimulation activity you did at the end (the debate) was great fun and brought loads of insight into our discussion. great job!

Young Kim said...

Considering how No Child Left Behind is discussed and debated a lot, I really liked how this group also focused on Race to The Top. I also was not aware that this program existed. It was very interesting to me how education funding has become a competition among states, which I feel is the wrong approach. Instead, the best approach to me is to simply give money to each state, based on student population, and have certain rules governing how this money is used.